1) Anlage in Betrieb nehmen. 2) Windows – Treibersoftware installieren. Schnellstartanleitung. AS plus, AS plus, AS plus EIB,. AS All-In- One. Agfeo AS plus Pdf User Manuals. View online or download Agfeo AS plus User Manual. Manuals and User Guides for AGFEO AS plus EIB. We have 2 AGFEO AS plus EIB manuals available for free PDF download: Reference Manual.

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  1. USB-Driver Version AGFEO-Configurator Product Matrix TK-Suite Professional TK-Suite Registration ISDN Systems VoIP Systems Telephones System Telephones.
  2. Generic Linux drivers and 3 rd-party software available for all ICs XHFC Series XHFC - These letters stand for the latest series of ISDN ICs, each of them integrating up to 4 Universal ISDN ports, selectable as S/T and U p interfaces - all together into one Basic Rate ISDN tranceiver.
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The berofix product series is a powerful and flexible hardware solution to connect ISDN (BRI, PRI), analogue (FXO/FXS) and GSM lines to any SIP based VoIP system. Berofix is not a classical Media Gateway nor a standard PCI/PCIexpress card where you have to install any drivers, therefore we call it a 'Gateway card'. Vooral in bedrijven is een volwassen communicatie belangrijk. Kan hier helpen PBX als Agfeo AS 2x. Het systeem is bijzonder geschikt voor ISDN Basic Rate Interface. Telefoonsystemen werken alleen met de juiste opdracht. Veiligheidsvoorschriften voor. AGFEO-Configurator Product Matrix TK-Suite Professional TK-Suite Registration ISDN Systems VoIP Systems Telephones System Telephones Accessories Telephones Home Automation Archive / discontinued Products Declarations of Conformity.

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PC software setup

You connect the telephone system to a computer, preferably a server, via USB or serial connection. The TK Suite Server is installed on this PC. The TK-Suite Server provides its services to all computers in a network.

Set up TAPI

Agfeo Isdn As 2x Driver Updater

With a TAPI (Telephony Application Programming Interface) you can operate a CTI application (Computer Telephony Integration). The CTI application uses the services of the AGFEO telephone system with the help of the TAPI driver installed on a Windows PC. With a suitable TAPI-compatible software (eg TAPICall) many telephony functions can be controlled.


You need an active IP network connection between the workstation PC and the computer that is connected to the telephone system or connect the workstation PC directly to the system.

Install the TAPI driver

The AGFEO TAPI driver is installed on the workstations. To do this, please start the setup file of the TAPI driver that you downloaded above and follow the user guidance. After the installation, please restart your PC or server.

Set up TAPI connection

Note: Under Windows NT or Windows 2000 / XP you should log in as the user for whom the TAPI connection is to be set up.

  • Select the entry 'Settings> Control Panel' in the start menu. Double-click on the 'Telephony' symbol (from Windows 2000 / XP onwards, the 'Telephone and Modem Options' symbol).
  • Switch to the 'Advanced Options' tab.
  • Select the entry 'AGFEO TK-ServiceProvider3' from the list of installed drivers. Click on 'Configure'.
  • In the following dialog window click on 'TCP / IP' and then on 'TK-Suite Server (local / LAN)'.
  • Under 'Host' enter the IP address of the computer that is connected to the telephone system and click on 'Test'. Receive the status 'Connection successfully established with the current settings!' you can close the window with 'OK'. If you get another message, you may have to reconfigure the TK Suite server.
  • Now please click on 'Basic Settings' in the 'Telephony Service Provider Settings' window and make sure that the 'Permanent connection to the PBX' check box is set. Close the 'Basic Settings' window with 'OK'.
  • Now select 'Subscriber settings' and click 'Receive subscriber data from the PBX' in the window that opens. After the data has been read from the telephone system, you can close the window with 'OK'.
  • Also close the 'Telephony Service Provider Settings' window with 'OK', confirm the message that now appears with 'OK' and restart the computer.

What is the AGFEO TSP required for?

So that the TAPI can provide the telephony services, a driver for the telephony hardware must be installed in the PC system. This driver, the so-called TSP (Telephony Service Provider), is supplied by the respective manufacturer of the telephony hardware.

Overview of the supported AGFEO telecommunications systems

to the PBX
(CTI 1.x)
(CTI 3.x)
AS 43/45
from 7.0
ser., S0, USB, LAN
AS 4000
from 6.0
ser., S0, LAN
from 5.0j
AS 40 P
from 6.0
serial, (S0)
from 3.6a / 3.7
Business line
ser., S0, USB
AS 35
from 6.0
ser., S0, USB
AS 3x
from 6.0
serial, S0
[from 5.1d]
AS 33
AS 31 + 1
no TAPI support
serial, S0
AS 31 ST
Basic Line
ser., S0, USB
from 5.0
AS 1x
from 6.0
ser., S0, USB
from 5.1
AS 151
from 6.0
serial, S0
from 2.2
AS 190 plus
AS 141 plus
AS 140 plus
AS 191
from 2.0
only serial
serial, S0
only serial
AS 19
AS 14
Com Line
[from 1.0]
AC 16 WP
serial, USB
from 2.0
AC 14 WP (2)
serial, USB
[from 1.5]
AC 14 phony
from 1.0
AC 12
no TAPI support

High CPU usage

If you have problems that your system hangs and the process svchost.exe causes a very high CPU load in the task manager, then you have to configure the [AGFEO TK-ServiceProvider3] [using the [Telephone and Modem Options] in the [Advanced] area ] and remove the checkmark [permanent connection to the PBX] in the [Basic Settings]:

Manuals, documentation and additional downloads

Currently no additional downloads available.


Agfeo Isdn As 2x Driver Manual

  1. Install the TAPI driver and if necessary configure it in the 'Control Panel' under 'Phone and Modem' in the 'Advanced' area.
  2. Download TAPICall and run the installation file. The installation file is also located in the above TAPI driver download (filename TAPICall-10002.msi)
  3. Select the installed driver in TAPICall.
  4. Work effectively and quickly. Here is an introductory video to the main features of TAPICall.


Start the setup file of the TAPI driver you downloaded and follow the user guide. After completing the installation, it may be necessary to restart the computer. Some download files contain several TAPI drivers. Please pay attention to the selection of the driver suitable for your device. If the connection is made via USB, first install the USB driver of the device and then the TAPI driver.

We assume no liability for the completeness, function, scope or compatibility of the drivers provided above for download. Source and originator unless otherwise stated is the manufacturer of the hardware / device. TAPICall is our product, which is included in the download. If you have any questions about the drivers in connection with TAPICall, call: +49 (6422) 89800-50